
About Us

The dreadful time of COVID CRISIS has toppled the lives down both emotionally and physically for everyone across the globe, especially for our tiny-tots with an absolute disconnect from the outside world, no friends, no park time, no cycling, no outdoor activity to do. We all are COEXISTING WITH CORONA for several months now and the road ahead does not seem to be smooth in near future too, precisely when it comes to streamlining the daily decorum of our kids who are just too young to understand the fright sights telecasted every now and then.

Secondly, as the lockdown is over so, we all are trying to return to our normal routines but it is very challenging for the working parents as Preschools and Daycares are still closed and nobody knows how long this COVID CRISIS will continue. So, this is a big question for working mothers who will take care of their little ones in their absence when they are out for their jobs.

As SANFORT is known for it’s out of the box approach for the welfare of children and parents. So, SANFORT have come out with a never heard before revolutionary initiative to step-in to your homes with two different models of Home Schooling first time in the country one with the help of technology enabled platform SANFORT.ONLINE and another SANFORT@Nextdoor a little version of SANFORT very close to your home to help working mothers.

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Advantages of Sanfort@home

24*7 Access

Flexible approach with “Anytime & Anywhere” access to address the need of today’s parent.

Innovative Curriculum and Unlimited Resources

An innovative and feature rich curriculum designed and developed by seasoned academicians in the form of live classes, daily dossier, printable worksheets, theme based recorded sessions and many more to provide infinite learning opportunities to children.

Periodic Evaluation and Feedback

Strategically planned periodic evaluations to keep a track of child’s growth with well-documented progress card.

Parent Assistance Program

An exclusive assistance program for parents in the form of regular feedback sessions with teacher, wellness programmes, parenting guidelines, live interactions with seasoned parenting experts addressing the routine challenges etc.

Sanfort Student Kit

To maintain the standard of education and uniformity across Sanfort schools an unique student kit is designed which contains specially designed Books and Sanfort T-Shirt. We take the privilege to bring the student kit at your doorstep.

Partnership With Parents

The support of parents is absolutely critical to help the child to attend their online sessions. Parents will need to be an integral part of the teaching-learning process in SANFORT@home for making sessions more effective, engaging and interesting. Teachers & parents need to work hand-in-hand for the refinement of the senses of the child and in their social, emotional, cognitive, creative, physical, psychological and personality development.

Benefits of Home Schooling

Contact us

Phone:+91-8743005646, 9313855643
Toll Free: 1800-1029-503

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